Creation LIVE: A Fifth-Grade Tradition

By Sandra Sauls, WCA Elementary School Principal

In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth.” (Genesis 1:1)

On January 18, 2016, Ms. Jane Poole, Child Evangelism Fellowship teacher, presented “Creation Live,” evidence of God’s six-day creation, to WCA’s fifth-grade classes. This presentation has become an annual event, providing students a physical and intellectual learning experience, prior to their transition to middle school.

Dr. Henry Morris states, “One of the most common misunderstandings among Christians is that the biblical account of creation can be allegorized or harmonized with the evolutionary system of science.” Wake Christian Academy is equipping young minds to recognize fallacies of evolutionary beliefs as they examine specific evidence from natural creation.

The students rotated through several hands-on stations, where they were able to handle rocks collected from around the world, study bones of various animals, dissect a dogfish shark and a perch, and follow a recipe to concoct slime.

The catastrophic event of the flood provided explanations for fossilized specimens that support creation, rather than paleontologists’ evolutionary circular reasoning. When asked to identify animals from bone matches, students quickly realized there was not enough evidence for them to come to an accurate conclusion. Scientists have generated images of creatures constructed from mere bone fragments to convince people evolution is believable. Ms. Jane pointed out that we will be confronted by “evolutionary facts” at museums and through media presentations. She challenged the students to stay alert and apply sound reasoning, based on the biblical account of creation, which refutes evolutionary fallacies (Colossians 2:8).

During the dissection, students compared and contrasted various organs and other physical characteristics of the fish. Ms. Jane highlighted how our Creator formed each creature after “their kind” and according to a master design (Genesis 20 – 25), ruling out the theory that man evolved from an animal form.

To illustrate the exactness in our creation, as being formed in the image of God, students followed a recipe to create a slimy concoction. If any ingredient’s portion was not accurate in every detail, the recipe would fail. As God’s image bearers, we are the pinnacle of His creative work! He created us for fellowship and as a fulfillment of His glory!

The lesson concluded with evidence of changes to the earth after sin entered the world, and the message of Jesus Christ, God’s Son, who “having made peace through the blood of His cross…reconciles all things unto Himself…” (Colossians 1:20) God the Son created all things, and He holds all things together. (Colossians 1:16-17)

I was thrilled for the students to receive instruction from a worldview grounded in the absolutes of biblical truth. I hope you will enjoy the sunrise and the sunset as a testimony to God’s faithfulness each day. Take a breath and thank Him for creating your lungs, and for providing you with the necessary physical elements on earth to sustain your life. You were created for a purpose! Consider the overwhelming evidence!

Additional information about Ms. Jane and Friends can be found on the ministry’s website.


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