Let Go and Hold On

by Larry Hoxie, Middle School Principal

“DANGER: High Voltage Beyond this Fence,” read the sign along the highway as I swung my car wide to the right, avoiding the dangerous area. As I continued my trip to Washington, DC, I wondered, Wouldn’t it be great if God put those signs on people? They would read something like this: “WARNING: High Voltage Personality, Interactions May be Hazardous to Your Health.”

As I thought about this more, I realized my thinking was faulty. Each one of us, if we are completely honest with ourselves, should wear such a sign. We all have “High Voltage Personalities.” We all have created our fair share of hazardous interactions.

Conflict is inevitable. Nobody is immune from these battles. The Bible even tells us, “In this world, you will have tribulation…” (John 16:33) Some of us may choose to avoid, rationalize, or blame away these conflicts; but these explosive interactions are allowed to be in our lives by the direct providence of God.

Each of our conflicts serve a purpose in our lives. One of those purposes is for us to be peacemakers. Ken Sande writes in his book The Peacemaker, “When Christians become peacemakers, they can turn conflict into an opportunity to strengthen relationships and make their lives a testimony to the love and power of Jesus Christ.” Solomon instructs his sons with these words, “Iron sharpens iron, so one man sharpens another.” (Proverbs 27:17)

Oftentimes, it is our pride that causes us to avoid, rationalize, or blame the other person with whom we are in conflict. So let go of your pride and hold on to God, remembering that not all conflicts can be resolved, but all relationships can be reconciled. “Pursue the things which make for peace and the building up of one another.” (Romans 14:19)


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