5 Practical Ways to Help Your Child Handle Peer Pressure

When parents hear the term “peer pressure,” their minds often go to the teenage years, but it’s important to recognize how children of all ages can be influenced by those […]

Navigating Middle School Dating: The Pros and Cons of Preteen Relationships

There are many things that can keep Christian parents up at night, and most would agree that their child’s first love interest is high on that list.  Whether you’ve already […]

5 Shattered Myths About Private Christian High Schools

As a parent, you know that high school will be a momentous time in your teen’s life. As they enjoy the last bit of childhood and look ahead to the […]

5 Things Elementary-Aged Kids Don’t Need

Every stage of parenting has its own set of blessings and challenges. When your child was an infant, you were probably consumed with sleep schedules, developmental milestones, and spending as […]

  • January 19, 2023
  • Blog

5 Reasons Families Love Our After-School Care Program at WCA

If you are a working parent, you’re probably always thinking about the best environment for your child when they’re not with you. During these formative years, a child’s learning atmosphere […]

Looking at Private & Public Wake County Schools? Explore WCA

As a parent, the public vs. private school decision can be a difficult one. You’re considering tuition, curriculum, after school programming, and more. And you want to get it right, […]

Spotlight on Jonathan Durham

Recent graduate Jonathan Durham is the definition of an all-around student! He became part of the Wake Christian Academy family as a freshman, and accomplished a lot during his years […]

Student Spotlight: Jadon Cordell

Many Wake Christian students used their time and talents to bless others over the summer. More time at home inspired creative ways to serve others and even earn extra income. […]

WCA Receives Generous Gift

We had some special visitors recently, with a generous gift for our school! Admissions Liaison Dr. Jacob Huang of Jacob International and several students enrolled in our International Student Program […]

Graduation 2020

Wake Christian Academy’s 2020 Graduation took place in a different way, as current restrictions prohibited gathering for our traditional ceremony. School leaders sought a creative solution, and decided that a […]

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