Teacher Spotlight: Lalea Evans
By Evie Fordham

Mr. and Mrs. Evans
Elementary computer teacher Lalea Evans always knew that she wanted to be a teacher.
“I’m a servant at heart, and teaching is one of my gifts,” she said, “It was a natural path for me.”
Mrs. Evans teaches Wake Christian Academy’s second through fifth graders. She instructs them in basic Internet and word processing skills but goes beyond that to incorporate what her students are learning in other subjects.
“I collaborate with classroom teachers to integrate their objectives into our computer lessons and vice versa,” Mrs. Evans said.
Her oldest students are thrilled to be exploring coding.
“My fifth graders recently started learning how to write code,” she said, “Within the first four weeks, they wrote well over 30,000 lines of code in Code.org!”
Mrs. Evans earned her B.S. in Education from the State University of New York at Fredonia. She married her high school sweetheart, Nate, in Fredonia before moving to North Carolina a year later. Together they have three sons, two in elementary school at Wake Christian and one in preschool.
Mrs. Evans considers her position at Wake Christian the most satisfying she has ever held.
“I enjoy making memories and building relationships with my students,” she said, “I enjoy watching my students get excited about gaining a new skill.”
One of her favorite memories occurred when she let the students hold and examine the main components of a computer.
“During one of these moments, as one of my third grade students held a motherboard in his hands, he exuberantly declared, ‘This is the greatest day of my life!’” she recounted, “It was so sweet to see a growing passion for technology and an interest in our hands on lesson.”