Learning the Lessons of Proverbs from “Wisdom Houses”

By Evie Fordham


DSC_3056_367x_acf_croppedThe sophomore girls in Mrs. Ims’ Bible class especially love one project she gives each year, making “wisdom houses.” The girls enjoy it because they get an opportunity to be creative and make their dream house out of shoeboxes and craft supplies. The project is about more than designing and decorating a miniature home, however.

“In tenth grade girls’ Bible class, we study the Wisdom Books, which include Job, Psalms, Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, and Song of Solomon,” Mrs. Ims said, “I was looking for a creative way to help the girls memorize and internalize the wisdom lessons found in the Book of Proverbs.”

Mrs. Ims was inspired to create the project of the wisdom house by Proverbs 24:3-4, which says, “By wisdom a house is built and by understanding it is established; And by knowledge the rooms are filled with all precious and pleasant riches.”

Mrs. Ims lets the girls put anything they desire in their houses, but she requires them to include certain things, such as seven pillars, a foundation, and a treasure chest, that symbolize aspects of wisdom. The girls inscribed related verses on these items. For example, on the foundation of their houses they wrote Proverbs 1:7, which says, “The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge; Fools despise wisdom and instruction.”

wisdomhouse2.jpgSome of the wisdom houses have blown Mrs. Ims away.

“Recently a student included a “war room” in her wisdom house which was influenced by the movie War Room… and highlighted the significance of prayer and total dependence on God, every day,”she said, “I’m inspired to put one of those in my own home!”

Sophomore Abbey Fordham loved the fun of the project and the new understanding of Biblical wisdom she gained. She made her wisdom house reflect her personality, with pink wallpaper, a camouflage recliner, and a cutout photo of her dog in the yard.

Mrs. Ims hopes the lessons of the wisdom houses stay with her student for life.

“My prayer is that they remember that a wise woman builds up her house, but a foolish woman tears it down,” she said, referencing Proverbs 14:1, “I hope they live their lives as “Lady Wisdom” and not as “Lady Folly,” and trust in the Lord, not their own understanding.”


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